MannanOligo Saccharide

Mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS) based nutritional supplements are widely used in nutrition as a natural additive. It is used as aqua, pigs, poultry, pet feeds. MOS has been shown to improve gastrointestinal health as well as overall health, thus improving wellbeing, energy levels and performance improved gut health results in longer villi and thinner gastrointestinal membranes.

SKU: MannanOligo Saccharide


Mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS) based nutritional supplements are widely used in nutrition as a natural additive. It is used as aqua, pigs, poultry, pet feeds. MOS has been shown to improve gastrointestinal health as well as overall health, thus improving wellbeing, energy levels and performance improved gut health results in longer villi and thinner gastrointestinal membranes.

MOS is included in diets for horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, aquaculture and birds by feed manufacturers, mainly due to its benefits for their health. MOS as a nutritional supplement offers a natural approach to support the microflora and thus improve overall health.


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